We Work On Carbon Reduction;
With Our Own Natural, Plant Based Carbon Products,
and Education on Carbon Reduction, Renewable Energy, and Hydrogen.
The result of our BiCRS (Biomass with Carbon Removal and Storage) processes are;
1 - We pull existing Carbon Dioxide (CO2) out of the air with plants.
2 - We process plant waste biomass to make carbon and then high value products.
3 - Our product pathways include consumer products, graphite for EV batteries, carbon fiber, carbon-ceramic matrix, and carbon credits.
4 - We have a repeatable, scalable model that will employ large numbers of people.
We Pull Carbon Dioxide (Co2) out of the atmosphere
We grow and buy plant biomass that pulls CO2 out of the air on marginal or unused land, and then process the biomass into carbon. Then we change the carbon into valuable products that hold it for long periods of time. Our products are durable and valuable, so the CO2 does not go back into the atmosphere soon. Other products like carbon credits and carbon building materials are sequestered for a hundred years with a strong Monitoring, Reporting, and Verifying (MRV) system.
If you are a landowner with a large piece of marginal or unused land, CONTACT US for a FREE consultation.
Our process will give you a revenue stream and make your land more valuable by working with us. Part of what we do is put natural soil amendments into the soil that stay there after we leave.
We turn plants and waste into products and jobs
Our model is repeatable and scalable. It must be, we plan to pull millions, and potentially a billion tons of CO2 out of the atmosphere. Our founders operated tech companies, carbon management, and agricultural processing businesses in countries around the world. We have the experience, skills, and tech to establish and manage a very large network of centers.
If you don’t know, our planet is heating up fast. This will affect billions of people around the world. No one is immune. We need everyone working on big solutions together to reduce the damage we have already done.
We are focusing on grasses as crops, and food waste. This includes Switchgrass, Miscanthus, Bamboo, and other local grasses from prairies, pampas, savannah, and steppe. These plants grow biomass fast on marginal soil we won’t use for food crops, need minimal or no water, and little fertilizer. They also can survive heat and drought, the future of our planet if we don’t get in gear.
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